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The-grannies-on-nudist-beach sample

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Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!

Young naturists rub oil on each other's naked bodies ...


Grazie a tutti per i commenti positivi e speriamo anche per i voti ...... Ci spiace che alcuni abbiano dubitato dell'eta .....in fin dei conti chi non ci crede non fa che adularci ancor di piu visto che noi sappiamo essere la pura verita. Tiziana dice che tanto merito va al fotografo che riesce a farla apparire piu giovane di quanto non sia ma non e cosi!!!! Diversi ci conoscono di persona e possono garantire per noi, anzi alcuni tra le righe delle loro risposte lo hanno anche fatto e li ringraziamo (Diemme, Ghibly&Eva,Paola&Massimo,Francesco,Mary&Ciro ecc.) Un non grazie invece a chi insulta (uno solo invero in tanti messaggi)..... non vogliamo assolutamente impedire di criticare o dubitare ma il farlo in modo signorile ci sembra il minimo e ci spiace che gli insulti provengano proprio da persone italiane ......sigh!!!!! La critica costruttiva ci aiutera a migliorare la qualita , forse anche osando di piu , quella volgare e gratuita potrebbe farci passare la voglia di proseguire.....Per ora continuiamo per non tradire i nostri sostenitori ai quali vogliamo dire che i nostri contributi da ora in poi saranno sotto il titolo "Tiziana...." cosi sara piu facile per gli "aficionados" seguirci. Un'ultima cosa per chi ci chiede di esporre il volto .....sappiamo benissimo che una foto con il viso coperto e un'immagine privata della parte essenziale ma un minimo di comprensione da parte di tutti e necessaria visto che Tiziana e mamma di un ragazzo che vaga per il WEB ...... questo e il solo limite che mi ha imposto per la pubblicazione delle sue immagini...... speriamo sappiate accontentarvi e che lei cambi idea in futuro !!!!! Iniziamo con questo contributo .... e in interni questa volta ma speriamo piaccia ugualmente... Grazie ancora a tutti da Paolo ... il fortunato fotografo !!!!!

photo-nudest-nude-young the-grannies-on-nudist-beach beach-topless-babes
Get access to fkk videos Tanned beauties on the best nude beaches

Blowjobs and sex on a naturist plage ...


Hello Kate, Sailor, Asher and the rest of the WN Crew. Once again, I have to say a big 'thank you' to all of you (especially you Sailor...you sweetie!) for all the encouraging comments I received on my last contri. I have to admit that I am intrigued by your latest contest....Romance.....ahhhh! ...what endless possibilities that word has!! "How do I love thee...let me count the ways.." I must admit that this subject was very much on my mind, when hubby and I were taking these latest pics....so we would like to submit them into the contest. I took a little black lace shawl, a very sexy pair of high heels, blended them with a well chilled bottle of Chardonnay (off camera, of course!), added a generous helping of soft, romantic music, et, voila! ........we had a fantastic recipe for Romance..! The wonderful comments I received for my past two contris were very much appreciated - even more so, since I did have that 59th birthday about three weeks ago!! (The big 6-0 is looming ever closer!!) Let me also say a big 'thank you' to everyone I have met on your BB's....I've enjoyed many interesting discussions, and hope to continue to do so. As always....hugs and kisses.......

the-grannies-on-nudist-beach movie-nudist nudist-in-world-beach
Get access to fkk videos Tanned beauties on the best nude beaches

Naked Sand - Couple Fucking on the Shore ...


Thanks for the comment and response to my earlier submissions. I tried to incorporate a few of the suggestions in this contri taken with my new mavica. Working on the technical quality hope they are satisfactory. Bug is my wonderful wife of 18 years. She is 48 and is extremely prim and proper. While she may not be a Barbie doll for a lady of her age with two kids I think she looks great (but I may be a little prejudiced--what do you think). Through the years of our marriage she has occasionally let me photograph her naked when I have been especially good. This Xmas I bought her a new leather recliner and the following was my reward. These were taken on a Sunday afternoon when the kids were at church and we had some time to play. Sorry about blurring the face (and if I miss one Kate please blur for me) it is truly the best part of her. She has big brown doe eyes and a smile that would melt glass. She knows I have posted her but she afraid to look at the comment (even though I told her it was all wonderful). She has all the typical insecurities of a woman (I am ugly--Why would anyone want to look at me-Butt too big-yada-yada-yada). Your site is certainly addictive. Real women are soooo much more sexy. PS after the shoot a good time was had by all

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Get access to fkk videos Tanned beauties on the best nude beaches