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Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!
Topless sweet girl on strand ...

To Sailor and Kate : Please try to keep pics in order I know youre busy so just do the best you can. The story is: "I planned to end this series with the last contri but tons of mail keeps pouring in for more. The first two pics in this contri are of the Ring Game. We gals put the ring anywhere we want and the naked stripper boy has to retrieve it using only his cock. Then he dances for one song with the ring on his cock and if he drops it, he gets a "penalty." The rest of the pics are of the "Pin the Tail on the Male" game where I place the stripper in various crazy positions in different parts of the room and the blindfolder player had to find him and feel around his bod until she has him by the cock, and then put the condom on his hard cock. My friend in the green sleeves is telling him who's in charge as she takes her time rolling the condom down his cock. She refused to let go until he said "I am Andi's meat slut" three times loud enough so everyone could hear. This guy travels all over the US on his real job and does this just for tips. So if any of you gals are interested contact me on the BB. PLEASE GUYS DON'T POST MESSAGES ABOUT HOW YOU ARE AVAILABLE TO DO THIS. INSTEAD DO YOUR OWN POST OF SOME PICS OF YOU IN ACTION and we'll all be happy to take a look. THIS IS MY POSTING please respect that. _________________________________________________________________
Revay Shows Off Her Pussy At NON-Nude Public Beach! ...

Hi everyone, well after reading all your great comments in the last set of pix of me at the club one message was loud and clear. You want to see me without the panties, well I am here to please you. We were at this club one night and my husband saw this guy trying to sneak some photos of me from behind. Well my husband told the guy that he didn't need to sneak (he is a voyeur himself and yes he takes care of me totally in bed). So I posed for him and my hubby and to the delight of several other guys. I just love to see their smiles and I hope I make their night. These pix were taken awhile ago and since then I have shave my pussy except for a small strip of pubic hair that I love to call my landing strip. I will post some newer ones soon.
milf plage crotch shot spy 103, fat cameltoe and ass ...

Hey Kate &the gang, I love your site (as do so many others), I check it everyday, and justjoined your redcloud section( intense). I figured it was time made a contri.These are some of my pics taken at a local erotic festival held here inSicily, it was a great time., loads of hot woman. Check out the last two,some scary funlips. Enjoy! NOT FOR THE STORY ( on a personal note , my wifeand I are putting together our own personal site on our computer, and werewondering if you could E-mail us back with some info on how to set it up,legal matters, etc. We would even promote your site on it ( since it wasthe one that enspired my wife). I'm trying to get her to let me send somepics to you, but she said somthing about to much competion on your site( I'll work on her) Anyway, we would really appriciate any info you couldsend us. Thanks
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