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Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!
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Sin entrar en disputas nacionalistas... porque lo que mola del cava es que es de este lado de los pirineos, tanto si viene de catalunya como de rioja, y por lo bueno que sabe (sobre todo cuando juegas con el)... aqui os dedicamos a esta contri centrada en este lindo liquido. Can you feel from this pics the nice taste of our Sparking white wine...EL CAVA... Please have a 2005 fulll of health, sex and love close to the ones that are close to you. If you are young couples, feel free to put your email if you wanna cam wit us. Para que entreis en el 2005, y tengais todo un ano lleno de salud, sexo y amor... junto a quienes mas os quieren. Votadnos bien y dejad vuestros mejores comentarios. Si sois pareja joven espanola (menores de 35), y sois atrevidos como para querer conocernos, dejad forma de contacto en la contri. Nosotros nos pondremos en contacto demostrando ser quien decimos ser...y pidiendoos que hagais lo mismo.
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Hi Sailor & crew! Brianna and I were finally free to take a four day weekend a couple of weeks ago so a road trip to Seattle was the result. Brianna brought her school girl outfit since we thought we might have time to put together a Contri for the yearbook, but we didn't get to take pics until the last day so there was no way we could have made the deadline. Brianna decided to wear it for these shots in the woods anyway, since it is so easy to get in and out of, LOL! These were shot in Lincoln Park near Seattle. The beautiful fall colors in this lush forest were surreal and complemented Brianna's natural beauty. It was a cool, damp day, but Brianna had her mind set on getting some pics for a WN Contri, and who was I to argue! During the last half of our walk through the woods (coming in Part 2), Brianna had gotten used to the "nippy" weather and hiked it wearing nothing but her shoes and a smile. :) Don't forget to vote, and as always, those who leave comments with a valid email address will get a special bonus!
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Venitian Odalisque 2 - Part 2: Hello everyone, my name is Vittoria, I am 25yo and this is the first time I?m contributing to voy-zone or any other website of the kind. My boyfriend and I have enjoyed taking naked pictures for a while to enhance our sexuality and we particularly appreciate artistic contributions people are posting on this site. But so far, I have been too shy to let him share any of our pics. Since then we have been in Venice where we definitely had a crush on this mask and I immediately thought it could be a good idea to begin with. We brought it back home, and waited for the next sunny afternoon to set up a photo session. And here I am ? I would appreciate and certainly enjoy your comments and particularly from other couples who are regular contributors or visitors of the website. Please be kind and provided you let us have your email, we?ll try to reply to each of you.
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