On-beach-slut-hot-load-nudiest sample
HDV Quality Nudist Video

Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!
Wifey and I stroking with cum on the plage . part 2 ...

Hi everyone at voy-zone once again.This time I found another cute girl to have fun with.Lately we are swamped with girls wanting to do pics with me and before we couldn't find any lol.Sarah is a wild and sexy asian girl and she is a ton of fun when you get her undressed. It was my husband's birthday and I decided to give him a special treat by having me and sarah suck his cock.As you can see he loved it and has never been with me and another girl before so it was special.There are only a few pics of the three of us because hubbys hands got too full to even work the remote control on the camera.For more pics and of me check out
2 Couples fuck on strand ...

Hello everyone in NW... haven't submitted in awhile and thought it was time again for another set. These were taken one afternoon when she was trying on a couple of dresses she bought. She wanted my opinion on how it looked on her, and being the thoughtful guy that i am.. hehe.. I dusted the cobwebs off our digital cam and took pics so i can share it with everyone in NW. Sorry about the blur guys, but i'm working on it... She reads all of the messages you leave her (and of course i do too) so drop us a line.... oh, and dont forget to vote :) Hope you guys and gals like it as much as we did taking the pics.
Jennifer Stone - playa sex ...

Interesting Story: I was traveling home from vacation by myself. I have always wanted to take outdoor photos of myself but was always self-intimidated. So I get the guts up and decide to pull over at a deserted rest stop. I proceded to take my clothes off and get the camera set up to take some self-shots as best as I could. Right as soon as I was taking the first few photos low and behold a car pulls up. Out jumps two attractive women. We were all surprised and everyone was slightly embarrassed. The only thing I could think of doing was apologizing and then out of nowhere I asked them if they would like to help out by holding the camera for a couple of photos. Much to my surprise they agreed. Like two little school girls they took a few photos for me and giggled the whole time. I finally asked them if they would like to join me in a few photos but they declined and said that they were very content in watching me. After a few photos and some more whispering and giggles they asked me if I would be willing to "entertain" them with some "solo-time" while they watched. How could I refuse? Unfortunately they did not want to participate as much as politely asked them too but at this point...who cared...I could hardly believe this was happening anyway. After my show they giggled and thanked me for making the highlight of their day trip.
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