Doctor-beach-adventures sample
HDV Quality Nudist Video

Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!
Amateurs on nudist-Beach ...

A big big thank you as always for your support and kind comments to my videos, despite the poor quality of the uploads. We really do not know why the quality is so bad when we upload, compared to other contributors. We tried the different formats accepted by WN, .mov, .wmv, but it appears that each time the result is the same and I think that the format is converted to something else. This time we converted to .MP4, which is the only format we did not try, so I cross my fingers and hope that we can improve this time. It can`t be the camera, because the avi is copied to the PC and the original is fine even with the full screen display.
Masturbation in the strand ...

Hi Kate & Gang. Hope you al are fine! Hi all WNers This Contri is on the day India played the World Cup Final. Though they fought their way through to the final, sadly they had one bad day! Anyway...when we saw the Cup slipping..we prayed.....& prayed hard! Then when things got worse...we decieded to have some fun on this memorable day!! Who know when we reach the next final again! We were just out when we won for the first time & We won't get this time clicked some 100 odd pics. We are sending some now...if comments are good & all you indian guys vote your hearts out....then we will post more. Some great ASS come. Well Done to our team again. 23rd march will be remembered for time to come. Next world cup..voy-zone!!! hehehehehe. bye.
Fisting Extrem Monster Asshole - FKK Mering Naturist Garden ...

Greetings, Cassandra and I thank you all once again for the high score for our last Contri. The comments were a nice mix of naughty and nice. In this set we find my Mellon chested wife just walking around the grounds flashes for photos with some of the attendees. We have met more than one or two Red Cloud folks in the past 3 years. It is so erotic walking around holding the hand of my naked wife. What I really love about the experience is that she is not drunk, she is not high. She is just naked; the sexual energy between us indescribable. Guys if you even have the hint that your wife might enjoy NAP gas up the car and go! Anyway enjoy these. I have one more set from last year if you care to see?
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