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Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!
Candid Girls - - Mac Playa voyeur clip ...

Hola amigos. Os escribo desde España. Mi mujer y yo (bueno, yo más que ella) somos asiduos visitantes de vuestra pagina web. Es magnifica. Por fin nos hemos decidido a competir y a disfrutar con vosotros. Irene dice que si recibe buenos comentarios se pensará hacer otra sesión... Yo encantado, la verdad. Lo siento pero no s mucho ingl s, de todas formas las fotos si que las vais a entender, digo yo. Ella tiene ahora 28 años, yo 30 y llevamos dos años casados. De momento felices, pero eso a vosotros ya no os importa., bueno que disfruteis. Os lo envio comprimido con DropStuff de Aladin. THANKS (no publiqueis nuestro e-mail, por favor)
Nice Fuck on the Strand ...

I was waiting to send in these photos from the last time I saw Jax, because I wanted to make sure she was cool with them. It's funny, because when we first started talking online, she told me that she has heard from guys that she looks better with a cock in her mouth. That comment blew me away, and I was rather excited to see what she meant in person. She practically attacked me when we last got together, and she seemed determined to show me (I love how open she is with her sexual deviance). After I sent her some of the pics and the I took for my site, she told me that she totally agrees that she looks good during. She does profess to love giving head, so her intense look makes sense. It's good to have a hobby, right?
Redheat black thong on playa ...

I love my naughty girlfriend. Every time I tell her to take off a little, she does, and of course I'm ready to take pictures. We've been really busy lately, and hadn't had a free time to take some new photos, but I convinced her to pose yesterday. It is nice to have a smooth pussy spreaded for everyone to look at. Is that not strange that she can spread her sweet lips for you and yet she is so shy in real life. Tell me the truth, do you like what you see in my GF?s pussy? I hope so. I hope you’ll like these pics as much as the first ones. We are overwhelmed at the wonderful comments and we want to tell all of you who have voted for us and left me nice comments how much we appreciate it.
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