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Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!
Celia Blanco Gangbang on the Plage ...

Dear WN-Crew, and Voyeurs a happy "don`t post my E-Mail Adress" to all. Here you see some pix of my new Car- not new,but look new after the Repair from an Accident with a "Sleeping - Truckdriver" - You can say it`s a Ground -Missile. I have the luck to live in a Country without Speedlimit on some Highways and 160 mph can be better then Sex. Ouch, Ouch, Ouch..... no Mam just kidding... Excuse for the Wife in the Pix, but she jumped in and would never go away from the Car.... It was a cloudy and a bit cold Fall-Day, so I can`t talk her into take more Clothes off.... Let`s see in the next Summer!! Oh forget, please call "Supra - Wife" Hope everyone enjoy! We did!!! As allways, no E-Mail, no Tire-Size, no Sreet-Adress, no Phone-Number, no Diaper-Size from my Daughter,no Gas-Consumption from the car, no Credit-Card-Number, and, and, Comments are very welcome, I have more ( not from the Car ) Pictures if Welcome And sorry for my English, it`s not my native Language. Greetings and keep up the great Work. voy-zone and voy-zone is the best we have ever seen on the Net.
Black Doggystyle on the sand ...

Ohne Hoeschen - wir haber von kurzen ein trip nach d. gemacht. ich habe ein sehr kurzen kleid angezogen und nichts drunter - und ohne hoeschen. wir haben einen cafe getrunken und den tag genossen. nat?rlich habe ich die beine breit gemacht, dass man meine fotze sehen konnte. einige andere g?ste konnten auch meine moese begutachten, wenn sie gut sa?en. dann sind wir zurueckgegangen und haben einen tunnel erreicht. dann habe ich mein kleid ausgezogen, und ich lief total nackt nur in pumps auf die stra?e. leider sind keine passanten gekommen. das haette uns beiden sehr gefreut. bildertausch - sehr gerne. mailt mir.
Spycam - sand - topless babe ...

I've been accused of being long-winded in my text (this part of the contribution). Well, I choose to give shout-outs to my fans when I get the chance. And this won't be an exception. With one change. I usually try to limit it to a coupla dozen names per contribution. Holy Crap. I got over 200 of y'all who gave me your e-mail address in your comments. I wrote you back (and before I forget, these e-mail addys bounced - PhxBob, your new eddress, harryperv, livin_dildo, shaz, pss, Kirthim, Rich M and martin2523) and some of you actually responded. 130 of you. So this month, I'm gonna give a Shit Howdy Shout Out en masse. So here goes:
Wrote bfbtr
Wrote pietersss
Wrote baroubio
Wrote bigdick91
Wrote Tha_Rocker
Wrote bumpchubby
Wrote CHUNKY123
Wrote gbloggs
Wrote bonvoyeur
Wrote benbaxter
Wrote beck4864
Wrote bella_lov
Wrote hotmale_83
Wrote hetedonders
Wrote greeneyed
Wrote ingrid24a
Wrote cumwithme74
Wrote turyboy
Wrote bipaar
Wrote DeidreShxw
Wrote Diman_x
Wrote baalkorn
Wrote bcknight
Wrote BigDanny
Wrote Tangram100
Wrote josemojon
Wrote cod5w1
Wrote voyercito
Wrote HHHSquare
Wrote binoby1
Wrote micheal_n
Wrote Globetrot
Wrote puisard
Wrote Desecrato
Wrote corgan1
Wrote phoenix10
Wrote flockenpa
Wrote Mudila
Wrote johannus
Wrote mbclub
Wrote word1one
Wrote cdcraver
Wrote blue89
Wrote ameda
Wrote fynjy84
Wrote menne66
Wrote milf_barb
Wrote jsquirt
Wrote Pelops1
Wrote kenderhulk
Wrote Amad99
Wrote cockman33
Wrote M2NGreen
Wrote bi44oral
Wrote Paradocz
Wrote maximaler6
Wrote nacktoder
Wrote lknforadvtr
Wrote az05
Wrote Phallic_T
Wrote simsette
Wrote tintobrasss
Wrote leogis
Wrote nabil-fawzi