HDV Quality Nudist Video

Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!
Naked walk on the plage ...

Hi NWer's. This is our contri from new years. It involves porns best friend. He is not the slickest of characters but an extremely nice guy. He has the worst luck with woman. He just needs to work on his approach, but he is a sweethear anyways once you know him. So anyways he came out for newyears,not really expecting what he got. Me and porn had it set up. He hadn't had sex in four months. Well he definetly got his fun for the next three days, he remided me of porn when I met him. He was on some wierd soul searching celebacy kick. Porn hadnt had sex in three years after he whored it up before that. Says he was searching for something that he never felt, apparently he felt it with me because he broke his spell when we started dating. It wasn't easy he defintely played hard to get, but he was a hottie when I met him and I was bound and determined to make him mine. So he we are four years later happy as can be. The whole point of that story was the animal passion of having a man with built up fustration. They just go to town. Porn still has it, he is a wierd character, he has a sex drive that is unfounding of a 27 yo. He still attacks me like the day we met, that might be because the way I tease him at home. So anyways, we want to thank all the NW and WN people for the great website And.....a big fuck you to the LDS males( you know little dick syndrome, its commen in males that lash out at others for reasons that make them seem bigger), no need for your selfish comments, get a girl, get a guy, get a life and move on.
Vika topless on public plage ...

I wanted to say thanks to all those who left me comments on my last set of pics, here's another set taken in one of my favorite places - the tall grass! When you play in the tall grass alongside a stream, you always have to be careful of those pesky snakes and also the fisherman that come strolling by. No snakes this time - thank god, but there were a couple fisherman that happened to walk on by. It's a good thing I saw them first, or they would have got quite an eyeful! Guys & Gals, please leave your comments, I read them all - that's what makes it worth posting! If your interested in my previous WN contris, you can find them at ... Love
amateur fuck on the playa ...

I was surprised and excited to see the nice response from the last pictures I sent in. It was a nice way to end my weekend, after disappointment with my trip out of town, accompanying David on a work retreat. I had been looking forward to taking in the sun and bad weather came out of nowhere and kicked my ass. I had brought a few outfits with me and was really excited about getting a bit more of a tan before the cold weather season was here for good. It was just my luck that it had to rain and be chilly all weekend! David dared me to go down and lay outside anyhow, but I punked out (I hate cold weather!). I did save it from being a total waste though by spending plenty of time indoors, and I got many more photos for here and our own site. I was totally excited about how I looked in this outfit, though I am bummed because I will have to wait until next summer to wear it outside. So now fall is finally upon enough, and soon I will be busting out the winter clothes. :(
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