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Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!

*SW~ShyAnne at the Renaissance Festival - Hello Everyone ~ First I want to thank you all for the great response I have gotten to my last posts. Your all very kind and special to me. We took this set of pics in the woods surrounding the local Renaissance Festival in November. As you can see we did dress the part complete with the wig. So I thought it might be perfect for the new RedCloud Sexy Wig contest...Taking these were particularly arousing because there was probably 2000 people within a 100 feet of where we were photographing. Just the thought of having someone see us was thrilling especially the danger involved. You see this area is very conservative and exhibitionists like myself or frowned upon ~ but all is well and I did not lose my head...lol. I truly hope you will like these and step back in time with me to another place in history...Please vote nicely because I really need to buy a new camera and take lots more posts to share with you....Kisses always, ShyAnne
plage pubblic masturbating ...

Translation of orginal message: Unfortunately we did not speak ingles, but I wait for you, can translate this message that arrives to them from Tucuman, Argentina. This has been my present better friend, than conoci for already 3 years, when she was my professor of History. It has 42 years of age and I have 31. Please they do not present my name nor my email, since Cristina, it is married and it has 2 children. These photos we removed one to them from the so many mornings in which quedabamos single studying, while his husband worked abroad, and their children were in the school, we sent these photos neither or we removed them Web to a pagina that seems that or I waver, since we have not seen it published jamas. We hoped that you if they publish them, and once again, please the suplicamos, do not present our identities, since serious like going imprisoned of by life, from already thank you very much. Desgraciadamente no hablamos ingles, pero espero ustedes, puedan traducir este mensaje que les llega desde Tucuman , Argentina.
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Hi Voyeurs ! This is a VERY special contribution, Wijfie is going to show her face for this ONE time, ITíS CHRISTMAS !!! (soon anyway, hehehe) Hopefully you are not getting tired of another "Wijfiebatch" ;-) I had SO much fantastic comments on the BB for my postings that I just canít wait to send in more pics (itís getting an addiction almost, so you where right Kate I am hypnotized by "The Eye", hahah) But as long as you "gang" donít send me an email that I should stop spamming you I will continue! (evil grino) Anyway, I want to excuse myself being a bit "hard" on you people, I promise I will stop being a pain in the ass ;-) because I know you do a GREAT job over there (not licking your heels, just being honest!!! And Kate, please stop shocking me by putting 2 (o) of my contriís up at the same day, heheheheheheo now we get "private" anywayo, maybe you will stop being so "stubborn" and call me Wijfie instead of Wijfe??? ;-) Ehhho, and before I get any more "pissed-off" BB-messages that I donít know how to spello WIJFIE is a Dutch "slang" for Wife. Since people also asked me a lot how to pronounce that, once and for all the answer then: pronounce it just as Wifey, not that difficult I assume, hahah OKo back to businesso Hubby made some funny Xímas pics from me, because we wanted to do something special and funny for the WN (just those Wijfiepics are soooo booring, heheh) Soo the films where bought and the outfit was made, there was only one "little" problemo a TOO little outfit on Wijfie ando a temperature outside of ñ6 degreeso to "go" shorto FU####NG COLD!!!! (but look at that smile, am I having fun or what?!) But what can you do?? I just want to please my loyal fans! ;-) And hubby was allready going nuts just from the ideao my nipples in that kind of weathero yepp, that would give a great effect on his pictures!! J But of course he warmed me up after the pictureshooting ;-) Anyway, the pics turned out to be great but Wijfie had a hell of a fever the next week!!! hehehe (at least some time off to fix with the pics ;-) One little request thougho I know these Xímas pics are send in quite early, but since I donít really know how the "backlogproblem" is at the moment, I thought it would be better to send them in early. Of course I would really like to have them posted around Xímas or so (thatís what they are ment for anyway!) Hope you can arrange that for me? Now finally I will end this loooooong story (long legs long stories I guess hey?!) And last but not least... of course a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a FANTASTIC 1999 to everyone!!! Kisses, Wijfie (and Hubby of course, but skip the kisses for the guys then ;-) Equipment: the normal stuff... Wijfie, Minolta 500si, scanner bla bla bla but no snow!!!
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