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Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!
Busty babe at public strand ...

Primero de todo es que os he echado mucho de menos, intentare no tardar tanto en mis proximas ediciones. Segundo que me encantaron vuestros comentarios y apoyo. Y tercero, que sepais que cada mensaje que leia me ponia a cien... yo sola me iba calentando y mi corazoncito cada vez palpitaba mas rapido, casi se podia apreciar por encima de la camiseta ajustada y transparente... mis manos comenzaron a sudar y mi respiracion iba siendo mas profunda. Las palpitaciones iban descendiendo por todo mi cuerpo hasta llegar a la altura de la entrepierna...hasta que no pude mas y me di el placer de darme un suave y continuo movimiento de caderas junto con un timido roce, un buen apreton de pechos y... acabe con un impresionante orgasmo. Como me siento en deuda con vosotros, os mando esta nueva edicion y me doy por satisfecha si os ha servido de algo positivo. Un besazo y un buen achuchon. marta
tanned girl creampied at playa ...

Hello, We had a little fun the other night. I made Honey up to be my sundae. I appologise for the lack of pics but after only a few I got to horny and had to put the camera down...LOL Everyone ragged on me for taking pics of her on my Yamaha bike. Sorry, but I couldn't afford a nice one and a friend gave me this for $250.00. At least I had something for the summer. I've been trying to get a Harley Heritage softail to no avail. So I atleast wanted something better so I just purchased a new 2000 Honda Shadow Sabre. I'll do a series of pics on it if everyone lays off about it not being a Harley. Maybe I'll have one next year. So for now enjoy these pics and let me know about taking the pics on the Sabre. Enjoy,
Beautiful sand babes ...

Many thanks, Kate, for putting together the best adult web site on the internet. I visit it everyday and have finally convinced my friend Julie to contribute with me. This set of photos represents a recent blowjob she gave me; we took the shots ourselves--these are actually our first ever. Julie is very talented in every department and she is also incredibly sexy. I included a couple of extra shots of her from the same day just to give viewers a chance to see just how sexy she is. We had a great time and I hope your visitors enjoy these shots as much as I enjoyed that blowjob. Thanks again!
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