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Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!

Wife Jerks Off Naked Sand Voyeur While Talking With Husband! ...


Hallo Kate and Gang, we shot this Pic?s befor we went to a Party! Niky goes out of the Car on a Freewayparking in the near of Munich. It was fucking cold, but she found a Stranger with a Jacket to help :-) The Parking was full of People and we had a lot of fun! We hope you enjoy the Pic?s like we did enjoy the shooting! Greetings Niky and Sven Hi Leute, wir haben die Bilder auf dem Weg zu einer Party geschossen! Niky ist an einer Raststatte, in der Nahe von Munchen, aus dem Auto gestiegen. Es war Arschkalt, aber sie hat einen Hilfsbereiten Fremden gefunden, der ihr mit seiner Jacke aushalf :-) Der Parkplatz war voll von Leuten und wir hatten eine Menge Spa?! Wir hoffen Ihr habt genausoviel Freude daran die Bilder anzusehen, wie wir beim Shooting hatten! Liebe Gru?e an alle, Niky und Sven

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Get access to fkk videos Tanned beauties on the best nude beaches

Sand babes - hidden cam 2 ...


Hello WN, This is my first WN contribution. Please comment honestly and tactfully. I think this site is really great so after years of just looking I decided to show a little. Here's my story... My husband brought the webcam along to our "day at the lake" and was taking pictures of nature and mainly me. I kept getting the urge to give him something I knew he wouldn't resist taking a picture of. Before I knew it I was just going around topless and constantly flashing my bottom. It wasn't a private or naked lake we were at but none of the people around seemed to mind. I just got more and more comfortable about it and before the sun set I was just stark naked, Maybe 50 feet away from the street. When we got home I was so sun burnt that my husband gave me a red hand print on the only part of me that wasn't already red. Maybe I should have just stripped down to just a smile alot earlier. Enjoy,

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Get access to fkk videos Tanned beauties on the best nude beaches

Anal Babes - Hard Ass Fuck On The Sand House ...


The sun was warm so we were off to the lake. Bart & I found a secluded section of the playa and got right to work. The clothes came off (and so did we...) I was watched at one point by a passing fisherman in a small motorboat, and was almost caught again with my "hand in the cookie jar" before our photo session was finished. It was a very fun day, and we can't wait for our next outing. Thanks to all my fans, who are following my contributions. Keep the comments coming! I LOVE reading them! A special thank you to those of you who defend my honor against the negative commentors. That's very sweet of you...

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Get access to fkk videos Tanned beauties on the best nude beaches