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Wet & Nude is a big and growing site with a history, entirely dedicated to the nudism subculture. This is a place where you can find stuff about every side of nudism and naturism. Feel the real nudist vibe with our homemade pics, videos and stories, carefully selected by our staff. Our pictures and videos with nudist girls and women make the beauty of these fine open-minded ladies shine through. Watch them get sexy, liberated, and gorgeous! Oh, and there's this another thing about our club of nudism fans. All our content is genuine and exclusive. We like to think of our site as a big family where everyone can feel safe and welcome. With this in mind, you are very welcome to become part of this unique and all-embracing nudism megasite!
Naked Plage - Plage Camp Bareback Swingers ...

2003 is over. In some ways I can look at my personal growth and feel really good about the year. In other ways, I still feel like the naive and shy girl who was deathly afraid of sending in pics at first, and deleted and re-programmed her personal site half a dozen times before letting anyone else see it. But I can honestly say the past year was full of memorable experiences, mostly sexual (LOL) and due largely to my involvement here and with my own website. Now that University is on break for the holiday, I am getting ready to go visit my family and try and remember how I acted around them when I was MUCH more innocent. Wish me luck! I wanted to send these shots in because I really like these pics of myself. To me they represent how far I've come in a year. Although, I'm still lacking in the confidence department a bit, I am certainly more accustomed to getting naked!. :) There's always 2004 to adjust to the rest. Happy new year!
dave gives nat a good headjob at the plage ...

Mayhem Melody - Some of you out there might know me...and those who do, probably never saw this coming. I've talked about it several times, and also hesitated when planning on doing this months ago. Oh well. I should have said something...but lately, i've been awful at socializing. when people from work talk to me, or even when i go to a bar with *companion*...i with a crossword puzzle...and essentially calculate words, and not listening to a word anyone says. i scare me sometimes. and people at bars must not understand. although, i've received my best grades from studying and focusing at bars. Go figure.
Black Doggystyle on the playa ...

Hi, Here is my second contri since few months. Toutes ces photos ont t prises au Pont BirHakeim dans Paris juste a côt de la Tour Eiffel, un soir de cet t . Certaines d'entre-elles ont t prises par des touristes pr sents a cet endroit tres fr quent . Au dessus des arcades situ es sur le pont, visible sur les premieres photos passe une ligne de m tro. Des voitures passent sans cesse des 2 côt s (voir photo 2). Les autres photos sont prises sur les trottoirs bordant la rue le long des arcades. Ce fut une soir e tres tres excitante. J'attends avec impatience vos commentaires, et peu-être quelques id es. I took these shots ont the BirHakeim bridge (Paris), just near the Eiffel Tower, this summer. Some of them where taken by tourists, very frequent in this aera. On the top of the arcades (beginning of the serie), there is an underground line (which is outside at this place). Cars are passing just near, on both side (see pic 2). The others where taken on the pavement of the bridge. It was a very very exciting night. I'm waiting for the comments, and may be some other ideas Photo 1: j'arrive sous les arcades, et un touriste me prend en photo Photo 2: un peu plus pres (une voiture vient de passer) Photo 3: j'enleve ma jupe Photo 4: sur le trottoir, vue sur la tour eiffel (photo 4, 5 et 6 prises par un touriste) Photo 5: sans la jupe, sur le trottoir en face des arcades Photo 6: je marche sur le trottoir, sans ma jupe Photo 7: un voyeur m'a suivi, et se montre juste quand la photo se d clenche Photo 8: apres l'avoir excit , je le laisse me caresser Photo 9: je lui en donne encore plus
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