Pissing beach movies

Summer at the plage.

My neighbor came over for a late night treat and I received more than I bargained for.... she is a hot 32 year old California playa nymph with a bod like a barbie doll....

Playa Voyeur: Ile Ste Marguerite...

Thought wed display off a few of our pics from this summer...We love to hear your comments

The Unofficial Official Tis' The Season Post...

some pictures during our last vacations, July 2013.

Nude Friends Wife: *SP A La Plage...

Hunted this gal for half an hour... so lil' and total of charm!

Playa Voyeur: Pool Nip.

Here I am off to the sand - I think I left behind something !

Suzy, At The Sand.

Just some playa shots from the Balearics

Mixed Beaches Booties Two.

MANY were invited... lets hope some flash up!

Rosa De Madrid: Public Transport...

Was at a resort in Bohol, Philippines and these two came down to the sand. Just had to share.

Plage Voyeur: Vacanze Al Mare...

A gorgeous day at the playa. Mommy nature has many treasure to share with us!

Strand Voyeur: Mallorca Plage Walk...

I have alot more of both...in the future....so either way... everyone will be made very happy...!!

My gfs backside - Sandy...

But when my wifey got her tits out, the guys just couldnt stop staring!

Some Strand Pics From Calamayor...

some one she likes she will spread her gams a bit for a utter view of her smoothly-shaven labia.

I said "If they don't like the pics maybe they can give us hints on how to make better ones next time..."

Hot nudistAmateur

Nude Friends Wife: *SP A La Plage...

Hunted this female for half an hour... so lil' and utter of charm!

Sand Voyeur: Riviera Mexico...

It was a bit cold outside but things heatened up - canA?t imagine why.....

Playa Voyeur: En La Playita...

No story. Hope you like these. All nice comments appreciated (-:

Lil' Thai At The Plage Pt Two.

Wifey bares it at the strand. People 100 feet away from us... Intense

Plage Voyeur: Ile Ste Marguerite...

Thought wed display off a few of our pics from this summer...We love to hear your comments

My Pictures From Bulgarian Strand.

Nice cliffed strand east of Estoril. Trio beautifultopless women, two of them determined to walk on the shore.

Natural Sandy-haired On The Sand.

Just happened to be minding my own biz when low & behold..........